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Community Of Self-Advocates (COSA)

This program is a partnership between The Arc of NCV and Encompass Community Supports (formerly Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services). COSA connects and supports adults with IDD in our five county area of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties.

COSA provides opportunities for individuals with IDD to: connect with others, share experiences, and explore new opportunities.


With decades of collective experience, and connections statewide, we are available to help families navigate the challenges they face in supporting a loved one with DD. Direct consultations may be held in-person, by phone, or through email. Families are invited to request a consultation via email, phone, or through our website CONTACT FORM.

The Arc@Home

The Arc@Home monthly program provides interactive activities for self-advocates and families related to wellness, creativity, and social connection. The goal is to support families where they are, at home, not only with fun activities, but also opportunities to learn about local businesses and connect with experts to gain potentially new ideas and information. Additionally, the interactions with other self-advocates and families helps build a connections and support for all.

The program features seasonal activities designed for a wide range of ages and abilities. Each month The Arc@Home group video conference events are led by local experts on that month’s theme. In support of the live event, participants receive a free Arc@Home Kit containing supplies and materials related to that month’s activity. Kits are designed to be flexible for individual use as well in the event that participation in the video conference becomes unavailable. Recent Arc@Home activities have included: cookie painting, healthy cooking activities and wellness tips, vision boards, and paper crafts.

The Arc@The Park

These annual events are designed to build community through awareness and celebration of people with IDD. They are typically held at a local accessible playground (Fun For All in Warrenton and Bright Spot in Culpeper), and where possible organized in partnership with local businesses and organizations also supporting people with IDD and their families. These events are always FREE and open to the public. Typically, food and entertainment is provided in addition to entertainment and a resource fair for families and professionals to get connected with information and resources.

Community Resources

We develop local directories, videos, and reference documents designed to assist families and professionals in navigating the systems of support, as well as to build community acceptance and awareness.